Fortnite Punchcards: This week's character Punchcards and when the next questlines go live explained

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What you need to know about the daily, weekly and character Punchcards.

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Up for helping folks with their requests? Here's how Fortnite Punchcards work, including Character Punchcards and upcoming questlines.

Fortnite's Punchcards are a timed-limited series of challenges.

During Chapter 2 Season 8, these work differently than Season 7's Legendary Quests.

Completing these steps offers a good amount of XP - making them well worth the effort to complete before the next set arrives.

This page explains this week's Character Punchcards, when the next questlines go live, and how daily and weekly Punchcards work.

Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. What's new? Chapter 3 Season 3 has arrived! New additions include Reality Seeds and Saplings and riding animals, along with the new Battle Pass, characters collection and map changes. It's a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.

On this page:

  • Fortnite daily, weekly and character Punchcards explained
  • Fortnite Character Punchcards and this week's questline steps explained
  • Fortnite Punchcards reset time: When do the next daily, weekly and character Punchcards go live?

Update Tuesday, 12th October: In a continuation of the previous XP changes, Epic has now increased the amount of XP received from completing daily quests to 45k XP. This means you'll receive a total of 135k XP for completing all three.

Previously, in September, XP was added a reward for all Shared Quests, the amount of XP for new character punchcards was increased to 150k XP, replaying quests rewards now earn you a small amount of XP and decreasing the amount of XP from weekly punchcards, so you can comfortably miss one.

Fortnite daily, weekly and character Punchcards explained

Punchcards serve as a way to display groups of challenges and quests across three different categories: daily, weekly and character Punchcards.

The first two are rather straightforward, and usually require for you to either complete a certain number of quests, spend gold bars, or place top 10 with friends, to name a few examples.

Character Punchcards, on the other hand, present five-step questlines. These are tied to the new character collection in Season 8, and present an array of quests to complete, ranging from fairly simple tasks to some a bit more involved.

In order to kickstart a Character Punchcard questline, you need to talk to the NPC in question and accept the quest from the dialogue wheel.

It's worth noting that while daily and weekly Punchcards are time-limited, that doesn't seem to be the case for Character Punchcards.

You're free to tackle them as you go, but do bear in mind that you can't have more than five active questlines at the same time.

You can only accept five questlines at a time.

If you try to pick up an additional quest, you'll be given the option to replace any of the ones you've taken already.

This should cover all the basics, and we'll be keeping this page up to date as weeks pass and Punchcards continue to evolve. In the meantime, you can find what's waiting for you this week below.

Fortnite Character Punchcards and this week's questline steps explained

At the moment, Character Punchcard questlines are not time-limited, but there is no guarantee that they will remain active throughout the whole season.

The currently active Character Punchcard questline steps are as follows:

Kakashi (Added on November 16th)

  1. Scout a UFO crash site
  2. Hit players with Paper Bomb Kunail
  3. Build a structure after taking damage
  4. Place or destroy a trap
  5. Tame wildlife with the Hunter's Cloak

Rust Lord (Added on November 16th)

  1. Collect Wood, Metal and Stone
  2. Build Structures at Corny Corps or Weeping Woods
  3. Gather shield from Slurp barrels
  4. Hit Weak Points while Harvesting
  5. Destroy structures with a vehicle

Shadow Ops (Added on November 9th)

  1. Visit a guardian tower - 30k XP
  2. Collect Light Ammo, Medium Ammo, and Shells (3) - 30k XP
  3. Cause Shotgun Damage to Cube Monsters in the Sideways (150) - 30k XP
  4. Get a Headshot with a Pistol (1) - 30k XP
  5. Eliminate an Opponent with an SMG (1) - 30k XP

Ember (Added on November 2nd)

  1. Destroy a fireplace at Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges or Pleasant Park - 30k XP
  2. Set structures on fire - 30k XP
  3. Emote within 5m of a vehicle that's smoking - 30k XP
  4. Ignite an opponent with a firefly jar - 30k XP
  5. Heal from a Campfire - 30k XP

Sledgehammer (Added on November 2nd)

  1. Open a chest in The Sideways - 30k XP
  2. Eliminate different types of Cube Monsters in The Sideways - 30k XP
  3. Damage Cube Monsters with a Sideways Weapon - 30k XP
  4. Collect Cube Monster Parts - 30k XP
  5. Defeat a Boss Cube Monster in The Sideways - 30k XP

Ariana Grande (Added on October 19th)

  1. Collect a Record and place in a Turntable (1) - 30k XP
  2. Study the Caretaker's footprints (2) - 30k XP
  3. Collect Symbols from eliminated Cube Monsters (5) - 30k XP
  4. Reveal the Command Symbol (1) - 30k XP
  5. Launch Signal Flares (3) - 30k XP

Dark Jonesy - The Oracle Speaks (Added on October 19th)

  1. Collect Scrolls at different IO Bases - 30k XP
  2. Use a Shadow Stone, then recover the Spirit Vessel - 30k XP
  3. Touch a Cube - 30k XP
  4. Destroy the Corruption Cluster and all Corruption Fragments - 30k XP
  5. Return the Spirit Vessel to the Oracle and hear his Vision - 30k XP

Dire Questline (Added on October 12th)

  1. Emote at the Weather Station, Fort Crump or Lockie's Lighthouse - 30k XP
  2. Damage wildlife with a melee weapon - 30k XP
  3. Destroy a dumpster at Lazy Lake or Pleasant Park - 30k XP
  4. Eliminate Cube Monsters in The Sideways with a melee weapon - 30k XP
  5. Travel on foot in Misty Meadows - 30k XP

Ragsy Questline (Added on October 12th)

  1. Purchase a shield item from a Vending Machine - 30k XP
  2. Consume both a Small Shield Potion and a Shield Fish - 30k XP
  3. Harvest Stone from Sideways Rocks - 30k XP
  4. Use a shield item while in The Sideways - 30k XP
  5. Take damage from an enemy player and survive - 30k XP

Raven Questline (Added on October 6th)

  1. Destroy Sideways Rocks - 30k XP
  2. Launch from a Corruption Vent in the Sideways - 30k XP
  3. Eliminate Cube Monsters in the Sideways 15 second after gliding - 30k XP
  4. Get Headshots from above - 30k XP
  5. Destroy chests with a Harvesting Tool - 30k XP

Nitehare Questline (Added on October 6th)

  1. Bounce 3 times on tires without touching the ground - 30k XP
  2. Use an Alien Jump Pad at an Alien Crash Site - 30k XP
  3. Travel in an Alien Slipstream for 100 Meters - 30k XP
  4. Damage an Opponent with a Grenade - 30k XP
  5. Get an Explosive Elimination on a Cube Monster in the Sideways - 30k XP

Grim Fable Questline (Added on September 28th)

  1. Hide in a Haystack at Corny Crops - 30k XP
  2. Destroy Beds in Holly Hedges or Pleasant Park (3) - 30k XP
  3. Collect a Harpoon Gun - 30k XP
  4. Hunt a Wolf - 30k XP
  5. Emote within 10m of Wildlife - 30k XP

Big Mouth Questline (Added on September 28th)

  1. Open Chests in Steel Farm (2) - 30k XP
  2. Search an Ice Machine - 30k XP
  3. Open Ammo Boxes at Dirty Docks (2) - 30k XP
  4. Buy a Health Item from a Mending Machine - 30k XP
  5. Search a Supply Drop - 30k XP

Wrath Questline (Added on September 21st)

  1. Spot enemy players using the Recon Scanner - 12k XP
  2. Use a Jump Pad or Jump Vent and travel 100 meters before landing - 14k XP
  3. Get a Storm Forecast from a Character - 16k XP
  4. Get a bounty from a bounty board - 18k XP
  5. Complete a bounty - 20k XP

Scuba Jonesy Surf Turf Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Swim at both Lake Canoe and Lazy Lake - 12k XP
  2. Submerge a driven vehicle into a large body of water- 14k XP
  3. Throw a fish back in the water - 16k XP
  4. Hunt one wildlife - 18k XP
  5. Consume a fish and a meat in a single match - 20k XP

Madcap Mushroom Master Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Destroy a farming tractor - 12k XP
  2. Forage two mushrooms- 14k XP
  3. Craft a weapon - 16k XP
  4. Destroy two refrigerators - 18k XP
  5. Consume an apple and a banana - 20k XP

Toona Fish Hue-ge Discovery Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Visit three different named locations - 12k XP
  2. Dance within 10m of an IO guard - 14k XP
  3. Visit the Aftermath - 16k XP
  4. Pop the tires on five vehicles - 18k XP
  5. Buy an item from a character ​- 20k XP

Baba Yaga New Brew Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Mark a Medkit, a Bandage and a Small Shield Potion - 12k XP
  2. Use any of the services of a Mending Machine - 14k XP
  3. Consume foraged items - 16k XP
  4. Restore health with fish - 18k XP
  5. Use a Bandage or a Medkit in The Sideways - 20k XP

Dusk Vampire Combat Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Ring a doorbell until it breaks - 12k XP
  2. Damage an opponent within 30 seconds of landing - 14k XP
  3. Deal 75 pistol damage from above - 16k XP
  4. Get an elimination with a Pistol, SMG, or Shotgun in the Sideways - 18k XP
  5. Finish a downed enemy with Harvesting Tool ​- 20k XP

Pitstop Stunt Training Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Refuel a vehicle with gas - 12k XP
  2. Travel 500 distance while in a vehicle - 14k XP
  3. Destroy mailboxes with a vehicle - 16k XP
  4. Get two seconds of air time with a vehicle - 18k XP
  5. Interact with an overturned car to flip it rightside up ​- 20k XP

Kitbash Making Friends Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Collect nuts and bolts - 12k XP
  2. Craft an item - 14k XP
  3. Upgrade a weapon at a weapon bench - 16k XP
  4. Honk a vehicle's horn within 10m of an opponent - 18k XP
  5. Survive three storm phases ​- 20k XP

Dark Jonesy Spooky Story Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Collect a shotgun and shells at Steamy Stacks - 12k XP
  2. Stoke a campfire - 14k XP
  3. Crouch within ten metres of an opponent for two seconds - 16k XP
  4. Cause 150 headshot damage on monsters in The Sideways - 18k XP
  5. Defeat two waves of Cube Monsters in The Sideways anomaly ​- 20k XP

J.B. Chimpanski War Effort Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Make a donation to the war effort donation box - 12k XP
  2. Deliver a car to the Weather Station - 14k XP
  3. Harvest 100 metal from an alien crash site - 16k XP
  4. Talk to three characters - 18k XP
  5. Interact with a mounted turret - 20k XP

Penny Build Passion Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Destroy five opponent structures - 12k XP
  2. Build five structures at Craggy Cliffs- 14k XP
  3. Harvest metal from both Weeping Woods and Steamy Stacks - 16k XP
  4. Hit four weakpoints while harvesting- 18k XP
  5. Emote within 10m of an ally-built structure - 20k XP

Torin Monster Research Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Enter the Sideways - 12k XP
  2. Collect a Sideways weapon- 14k XP
  3. Deal 100 damage to players with a Sideways weapon - 16k XP
  4. Eliminate ten cube monsters in The Sideways - 18k XP
  5. Complete a Sideways encounter - 20k XP

Fabio Sparklemane Party Locale Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Use a Zipline - 12k XP
  2. Destroy five pieces of furniture at Apres Ski- 14k XP
  3. Dance at two different alien crash sites - 16k XP
  4. Dance for two seconds after damaging an opponent - 18k XP
  5. Dance for five seconds while in the sideways - 20k XP

Kor Sniper Elite Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Collect a sniper rifle - 12k XP
  2. Deal 150 damage with an assault rifle or sniper rifle - 14k XP
  3. Get two headshots with an assault rifle or sniper rifle - 16k XP
  4. Deal damage within 30 seconds of hiding in a haystack, dumpster, or a Flusher - 18k XP
  5. Emote on top of a mountain - 20k XP

The Brat Hot Dog Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Open a cash register - 12k XP
  2. Destroy three couches or beds - 14k XP
  3. Complete a quest from another character - 16k XP
  4. HPurchase a weapon of Rare rarity or higher from a character or Weapon-O-Matic - 18k XP
  5. Damage opponents with weapons of Rare rarity or higher - 20k XP

Charlotte IO Heist Questline (Added on September 13th)

  1. Collect an assault rifle and a grenade - 12k XP
  2. Reach max shields (1) - 14k XP
  3. Visit an IO Outpost or the IO Convoy - 16k XP
  4. Eliminate IO Guards (2) - 18k XP
  5. Search a chest in an IO Outpost or in the IO Convoy - 20k XP

If you're curious about when exactly you can expect Punchcards to change or when more will be added, the next section can help.

The Fortnite Dragon Ball event is here! Learn how to get the Kamehameha and Nimbus Cloud, find Capsule Corp capsules and visit a familiar training location. Elsewhere, we have the Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass, character collection, map locations and Victory Umbrella, along with the return of Victory Crowns. It's also good to know how to ride animals, the geyser locations along with where to find a Baller and zipline and use the new Grapple Glove, and if you're after a specific Battle Pass skin, then it's a good idea to know how to get XP fast.

Fortnite Punchcards reset time: When do the next daily, weekly and character Punchcards go live?

As per the first week of the season, we are yet to see when more Character Punchcards will be appearing. In the meantime, we do know the reset times for both daily and weekly Punchcards.

New daily Punchcards go live at the following times:

  • UK: 2pm (BST)
  • Europe: 3pm (CEST)
  • East Coast US: 9am (EDT)
  • West Coast US: 6am (PDT)

New weekly Punchcards go live on Mondays at the following times:

  • UK: 2pm (BST)
  • Europe: 3pm (CEST)
  • East Coast US: 9am (EDT)
  • West Coast US: 6am (PDT)

We will be keeping the times up to date in case there's any changes. Until then, have fun completing the Punchcards!

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