'Fortnite' Weezer World Guide How to Play the Island & Finish Its Puzzles

Fortnite Season 8 launched Thursday morning, and with it came the debut of Weezer World Island in Fortnite Creative. In this guide, we'll tell you how to access the map and solve its two parkour puzzles.

How to play Weezer World in Fortnite

Weezer World is a fan-made Island constructed by Cre8 in Fortnite's Creative mode. To access it, simply launch Fortnite and choose Creative from the mode select screen. Your player will drop into a space with lots of featured Portals, and Weezer World should be one of them. Just run through the Portal and drop in.

fortnite weezer world portal
Weezer World is a featured Island in 'Fortnite' Creative.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Once the map leaves the featured rotation, you may need a map code to access it. However, those details aren't yet available.

Weezer World Parkour Puzzle

Make your way to this parkour area in the left section of the park. There's a long queue line leading into it.

riddle maps in fortnite

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 queue
The first puzzle in Weezer World is just beyond these queues.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Run to the corner and bounce to the top of the wooden plank.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 bounce
Bounce up here to get to the next area.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Hit the ice trap on the wall to the right, jump down, and run up the staircase straight ahead. When you reach the room with the Shopping Cart, grab it and wait for all ice effects to subside.

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fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 shopping cart
This Shopping Cart is key to solving this puzzle.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Get on the stairs, place the shopping cart sideways like so and use it to hop on the wooden plank above that takes you to the next room.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 shopping cart sideways
Turn the Shopping Cart sideways and hop on top to make it to the next area.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

This area features another Shopping Cart and some trash cans. Use the Shopping Cart again, and place it on the Bouncer straight ahead. You essentially want to get in the back of the cart while it's bouncing up. That will give you enough height to progress.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 shopping cart bounce
Jump on the Bouncer while in the back of the Shopping Cart.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

The next part is very much a visual exercise, so we've embedded a video guide below. The section starts at about the 2:40 mark in the embedded clip.

This puzzle just involves sliding through a small opening on the ground while Bouncers push you up. Keep pushing toward the exit till you eventually squeeze your way through. You'll fall down to another area that requires the same tactic.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 bounce hole
Push toward the hole to work your way through.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

For the next part, use Impulse Grenades to launch yourself up here.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 impulse bounce
Use an Impulse Grenade to launch yourself up here.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Keep going through, and you'll see this large hole in the ceiling. Impulse through here again.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 impulse bounce 2
Use an Impulse Grenade to launch up this hole in the roof.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

You'll blast up to some wooden planks and eventually fall down to this "Leave" sign.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 1 leave
Once you've made it to this sign the puzzle is over.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Weezer World Pyramid Puzzle

Another puzzle involves this large pyramid. Climb up the central stairs and hit the spawn pad.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 pyramid
The second puzzle is inside this large pyramid.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Avoid the laser beams by using cutouts in the room to hide yourself.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 laser hole
Use the cutouts in the surrounding areas to avoid the beams.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

When you reach this spot, drop down and hit the next spawn pad. For this section, pull to the right to avoid the first beam and jump over the one that comes straight towards you.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 laser drop
Drop down here to progress to the next section.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

You'll reach a hole that blocks you from the beam above. Jump up when you're clear. Repeat that advice for one more pit, and you'll reach the next spawn point.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 hole
Use these holes to conceal yourself from the beam.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

In this part, the beam moves quickly. To make it out, hop on the boxes below to progress to the next area. As soon as you make it to the top, you'll encounter two more beams to avoid.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 hop platforms
Hop on these platforms to avoid the beam above.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

Straight ahead is a challenge coin which finishes the puzzle.

fortnite weezer world puzzle 2 coin
Grab this coin to finish the pyramid puzzle.Epic Games/Sonjay @ YouTube

That's all your need to know about Weezer World in Fortnite. Fortnite is available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile.

What are your thoughts on Fortnite Season 8 so far? Would you like to see more collaborations like Weezer World? Tell us in the comments section!

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