Fortnite Proceeds Donated To Ukrainian Support As New Season Goes Live PowerUp!

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Epic Games has announced that all proceeds from Fortnite will be donated to support humanitarian efforts in the ongoing conflict impacting Ukraine. From March 20th to April 3rd 2022, proceeds from the game’s new Battle Pass, Fortnite Crew subscriptions and more will be used to financially support on-the-ground efforts in Ukraine including Direct Relief, Unicef, the United Nations World Food Programme and The UN Refugee Agency.

Fortnite Proceeds Donated To Ukraine Humanitarian Support Efforts

In some cosmically poor timing, Fortnite‘s latest season is depicting an all-out war taking place on the island. This unfortunate theming is likely why we’ve seen little marketing for the latest season, though Epic’s pledge to support tangible aid in Ukraine is the best possible outcome. If you feel like supporting the effort all you need to do is purchases anything Fortnite over the next two weeks. This includes V-Bucks, Gift-Cards, most cosmetics and of course the Battle Pass itself, which looks to be focused on Doctor Strange and a small army of reality hopping heroes.

Microsoft has also committed to donating the proceeds of Fortnite related content on its Xbox platform to the humanitarian efforts until April 3rd, a unified front that should see the historically high sales of a new season launch put to good use.

You can check out the full list of supported organisations, as well as a detailed Q&A on the particulars of the effort, here on the official site.

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