Fortnite: 10 Things Fans Hate About The New Season

Since its release in 2017, Fortnite has been on the map as one of the most popular games in the world for a while now. Between the frequent updates and the evolving storylines, the game has found ways to make the concept new and exciting.

However, with new updates come quite big changes, and some of the best features even get taken away. With the recent release of Chapter 3 Season 2, fans of the game have taken to social media to share their not-so-shy negative opinions about possibly the biggest changes in the history of the game so far.

The Zero Build Twist

Arguably the most heartbreaking change of them all is taking away all building capabilities. While it's a good opportunity for weaker builders to have a better chance, the building feature is what made Fortnite unique.

Considering "Fort" is in the game's name, a huge part of the game before now has been the ability to create forts in order to not only protect players from enemies but to gain higher ground, as well. While the new "zero build" twist is a vital part of the season's storyline, players are still showing concern for the lack of this essential feature, as there is virtually no way to safely hide or gain an advantage against enemies.

Abundance Of IO Forces

Search the imgflip meme database for popular memes and blank meme templates Some fortnite players relied on building to win, while others preferred to simply hide and run away from the people who actually used building,. And since fortnite is a game which solely revolves around building walls, you knew the two would be coming together.

While there have been a few guarded territories in the past, nothing compares to the number of guards in this season. Not only do they gatekeep the drills and the massive aircrafts, but they can be spotted all over the map, to the point where it would be impossible to play a round of Fortnite without encountering at least one guard.

In the past, it's been relatively easy to shoot down a few guards and come out unscathed, but with the amount that bans together with deadly weapons now, it would be quite difficult to come out uninjured, or even alive. It's hard enough to battle 99 other players, but with a plethora of guards entering the equation, it makes it that much harder to come out on top.

The Difficult IO Brute Boss

If the regular IO guards weren't already annoying enough to deal with, the Brute Boss makes it that much more difficult to make it out alive once seen by one. Among one of the scariest enemies to encounter in Fortnite, The IO Brute Boss is no small feat.

Not only does this enemy hang around other IO guards, but he's even more difficult to deal with, due to the fact that he can disappear and charge you out of nowhere. Given his mystical element and his elevated strength, encountering a Brute Boss is a difficult challenge to take on alone, and even in a squad.

Battle Tanks

fortnite building memes

Another battle obstacle that fans of the game have not been stoked about is the addition of battle tanks. While it can be a great advantage to obtain one of these tanks, it's not as great to be on the other end of the deadly weapon.

With the tank being equipped with thermal sensors, a primary canon, and a secondary turret, it's nearly impossible to make it out alive once a tank has spotted a player. With extremely intense high-damage abilities, players are finding themselves begging Fortnite creators to take tanks out of the game, as they make it much harder to juggle fighting players, IO guards, and impossibly tough machinery.

Armored Battle Buses

In addition to the tanks, there is another deadly vehicle for players to encounter this season, which is the Armored Battle Bus. While most players know it as the hot-air-balloon-bus hybrid that transports players to various map locations at the beginning of the game, players can now be hunted down by the bus itself, equipped with its own guns and turrets.

While the Battle Bus isn't considered as deadly as the Battle Tanks according to fans, it's yet another threat players have to worry about during the game. With the combination of the IO Guards and all the machinery hunting players down, fans of the game think it's all too much and wish the creators would take out some of these unnecessary distractions.

Siege Cannons

Though the new season has presented fans with some new weapons, the Siege Cannons as a whole are not considered one of them. While cannons in general are typically seen as a good idea, the potential of this weapon is stunted by its limited range.

Although the ability for players to shoot themselves out of the canon at a rapid speed can be handy, the canon makes it nearly impossible to do any real damage to enemies, as you can only shoot up into the air with no option to lower the cannon below. Considering the cannons aren't fully equipped to do their job, fans don't believe they need to be in the game at this point.


With the building feature being taken away, it seems the creators didn't want to leave players completely in the dark, and thus the climbing feature was born. While this definitely helps players who would have previously just built up on the side of a building, climbing is significantly less effective and can only help so much.

It's worth noting that building wasn't only used for crafting extravagant sky towers, as many fans just used ramps to reach higher treasure chests or to replace a floorboard that was blown out. As a whole, climbing can help players get onto the roof of small buildings, but if players want to get to even higher ground, then they are definitely out of luck and are now forced to take the stairs or walk around a massive mountain.

Tactical Sprinting

While the ability to sprint may seem like an upgrade, some fans believe the new feature might not even be worth it. Much like in other games, Fortnite's sprint meter runs out after a few seconds and players have to wait it out for the meter to reload before they can attempt to run again.

Although the few seconds of running can provide a slight advantage in certain situations, players don't believe that it helps a whole lot when in truly dire situations. Additionally, the running doesn't seem to be at a much faster speed than the auto jog, which further proves that fans don't care too much for the new feature.


When it comes to the habits of Fortnite players, crouching in bushes is a common strategy, but the newer slide feature makes things a little more difficult. Even though sliding came around shortly before this new season, players still find themselves struggling with it in this new season of the game.

With the crouch and slide actions being controlled by the same button/joystick, some players are still finding themselves accidentally sliding when not meaning to. While sliding has been some players' favorite addition to the game, others find it unnecessary and even annoying when their character slides unprompted.

No More Web-Shooters

Fortnite is not new to introducing Marvel characters to its game and fans loved the addition of the Spider-Man skin and web-shooters from the previous season. Web-shooters made it incredibly easy for players to escape, and get from place to place at a rapid speed by swinging through trees and buildings.

However, a new season means it's time to say goodbye to limited edition items like the web-shooters, but fans were disappointed to see them go. Not only was the item popular among streamers and regular players alike, it even became an essential product to have in a player's tool lineup.

NEXT: 10 Things Only Die-Hard Fans Know About Fortnite

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